Tuesday 4 June 2024


A surprise Short-eared Owl out on the marsh the other evening
As the wind has been mainly in the northerly vector I haven't bothered with sea watching, most of my day time activities has been spent around the reserve with relatively poor returns due to the cold damp weather, although the Swift numbers were very impressive, wader numbers have been very low, possibly because there has been no islands on the ARC and Burrowes, but the hay fields do look good but don't seem to be attracting much. Hobby numbers have increased and up to 6 Cuckoos have been around the reserve, Reed Warbler numbers seem to be very low judging by the quietness of the reed beds. There are still a couple of Garganey around but quite elusive. Migration wise we appear to be in the doldrums already though Bee-eaters, Black Kites, Woodcut Shrike, Marsh Warbler and Golden Oriole aren't to be sniffed at.
Several Barn Owls were seen

A Little Owls in typical pose

Another Little Owl sunbathing in the warm evening sunshine

A hidden Golden Oriole Singing and screeching at Hookers yesterday evening can be heard HERE a few glimpses were had.
Good numbers of Yellow wagtails out on the marsh
A terrible record shot of one the Black Kites
A very pale Common Buzzard over Lydd Fields

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