Thursday 30 May 2024


Several Hobbys are around the reserve

After yesterdays Bee-eater flew over me unheard and unseen, I was delighted this afternoon when trying to count the Swifts in a an approaching shower cloud, I heard a Bee-eater calling, after what seemed an age of panic spinning around trying to locate the bird and failing, it called again several times allowing me to spot it very high among the feeding Swifts, I desperately tried to get a record shot of it but failed to get a focus lock as it drifted further away South West. 3 Cattle Egrets were new in today but very little else to be seen on the reserve.
Barn Owl at the ARC

1,000s of Swifts have been around the peninsular for the last couple of days

3 Cattle Egrets at Boulderwall

Reed Warbler in the Willow Trail

Blue Tit at its nest hole in Hanson Hide
Puss Moth in the Willow Trail
Common Spotted Orchid in the Orchid Trail

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