Tuesday 14 May 2024


The undoubted star of yesterday was this gorgeous Bee-eater

An unsurprisingly slow late sea watch, due to the appearance of a very elusive Melodious Warbler in The Moat, I probably had no more that half a dozen fleeting views of it in 2 hrs. A walk out into the trapping area proved fruitless. 

A Fox scavenging in front the sea watch hide
11.20-13.20 from the hide.
Common Scoter: 107E
Great-crested Grebe: 2 present 
Oystercatcher: 1E
Black-headed Gull: 2E
Mediterranean Gull: 2E
Common Gull: 1E 
Great Black-backed Gull: Present N/C
Herring Gull: present n/c
Sandwich Tern: 44E
Common Tern: 41E 
Arctic Skua: 1E   
Red-throated Diver: 2E
Black-throated Diver: 2E
Gannet: 9E  6W
Cormorant: present N/C
Harbour Porpoise: 3 
Grey Seal: 1

2 Spoonbills on Burrowes viewed from Makepiece late afternoon
2 Grey Plovers on the hay fields
A Great White Egret and several Little Egrets were on the hay fields along with 12 Redshank showing signs of displaying
A Pristine Painted Lady on the Denge Marsh track

Great Tit utilising a hole in Hanson Hide

Brown Argus at the ARC
A General Red-eyed Damselfly at the ARC

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