Juvenile Arctic Skua at the fishing boats
Sea watching has begun to improve at the fishing boats, 2 Great Skuas today my first of the autumn, c20 Arctic Skuas, c150 each of Sandwich Tern and Gannet, a few each of Balearic Shearwater, Common Tern, Little gull. Guillemot, Razorbill Common Scoter etc. The weather this coming week looks conducive to sea watching though I am usually wrong.
At the ARC Curlew and Common Sandpipers, Little Stints, Common Snipe. Golden Plovers along with the regular Garganey, Glossy Ibis's, Egrets and the common wildfowl. Sadly Burrowes is largely very poor, though late afternoon Gulls have been roosting on the islands to the left of Dennis's hide, today 2 Caspian gulls were present. Hobbys can still be seen at Dengemarsh. Around the peninsula Warblers and Chats can be found but in very low numbers.
Glossy Ibis
Convolvulus Hawkmoth
It had to improve, because we went home