Tuesday 14 February 2023


No sea watch today in the foggy conditions. At the ARC both Bewick and Whooper Swans could be heard calling in the fog, at one point some of the Bewick Swans flew out over my head but I still couldn't see them in the murky conditions, a short while later I heard them come back into the ARC. I don't know if they wanted to go out to feed or hop over the channel on their way back to Russia.
Adult and juvenile Bewick Swan in the murk at the ARC this morning
The 2 Glossy Ibis were in the field by the track to Hanson late morning, still foggy.
The very active Hume's Warbler at Enbrook Park Sandgate

Grey Wagtail at Enbrook Park today


  1. Hi @ploddingbirder, when I'm going to dungeness, what is the best spot rightnow

  2. Just about anywhere around the peninsula at the moment
