AJG did several sea watches today, the undoubted highlight was a party of 22 Brent Geese moving West, a very early date for returning birds, I'm guessing they are failed breeders, hopefully they are not a portent to the rest of the population.
Wheatear by the Polish War memorial

A wander down to The Patch saw 1 juvenile Black Redstart fly catching from the wall with several Pied Wagtails. I checked the boil and roost for juvenile Yellow-legged Gull but no luck, its certainly unusual not to have seen one by now.
A wander around the trapping area was predictably quiet, just a Wheatear of any note. DW trapped a Willow Warbler in The Moat and DB had 2 in his garden first thing, a few Sand Martins trickled through.
Normally this time of year where this Great White Egret is feeding would be an island, which gives some idea of how high water levels are at the moment. A walk around the reserve saw the usual Marsh Harriers and Egrets but little else. No change at the ARC.On the wall by the MV this Beautiful Hook-tip is a scarce visitor to my trap, unlike the Ethmia bipunctella next to it which is very common here. 