Sunday, 27 April 2014

Mating Stilts!

Another reasonable sea watch this morning. A few each of Great and Arctic Skuas, 280 Gannets, c 400 Common Scoter, c2,000 Commic Terns and a few Divers. 
Another watch this afternoon with AJG saw 400+ Commic Terns, c50 Gannets and handful of Common Scoter.
A quick look at the ARC saw that 2 Black Terns, a Little Tern and several Arctic and Common Terns still present.
A quick look around Galloways saw little of note.
This evening on the reserve the 2 Black Winged Stilts were showing well and even mating, a Marsh Harrier spooked them briefly but they soon settled down. A Hobby was hawking over Dengemarsh, Sedge, Reed, Cetti's Warblers, Common Whitethroats and a Cuckoo were all singing. A Whinchat was showing well by Christmas Dell until 10 seconds before I arrived and party of 8 Swallows were around the pits. 


  1. Paid a visit today Martin and the BWS were still present although distant. Like you the Whinchat showed well around Christmas Dell but not for me ! Hobby over Dengemarsh and a Cuckoo from the ramp. Badger was seen .

  2. Great B/W/S photo's especially in flight. It is also nice to see them side by side.
