Thursday, 24 April 2014

Black-winged Stilt

05.30-08.40 from the sea watch hide, thanks to AJG for collating the totals.
Red throated Diver 2E 1 W
Black throated Diver: 1E
Fulmar 12E
Gannet 35
Scoter 151E
Shelduck 2E
Sparrow Hawk 1 coasting up
Whimbrel 11E
B t Godwit 8E
Dunlin 4E
Razorbill 5 on sea
Auk sp 4W
Bonxie 16E
Arctic Skua 11E
Kittiwake 7E
Little Gull 2E
Sandwich Tern 235E
Commic Tern 1391E
Little Tern 8E
Carrion Crow 14 coasting down
Swallow 17 in
Wheatear 3 in

As things seemed very quiet around the peninsular I thought I would take the opportunity to paint the garden fence. I had just started painting when a call from DB about Black-Winged Stilts on the flood behind Christmas Dell. 10 minutes later I was on sight but no sign of the Stilts, I was then told that had been 10 of them, well done to Doug and Wendy for finding them. Unfortunately they were all flushed by a Marsh Harrier, but one was re-found on New Excavations where it spent the afternoon distantly on the reedy causeway.

 A evening stroll around the reserve could find no sign of the Stilt at 19.00hrs, but there was an obliging Wheatear that obviously likes the anti predator fence, a Greenshank, several Whimbrel, 4 Bearded Tits, 3 Marsh Harriers, a booming Bittern and several each of Reed, Sedge and Cetti's Warblers singing.

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