Wednesday, 19 February 2014

That Gull!!!

No post last night as I spent most the night at Kent and Canterbury Hospital. I was suffering with severe toothache and that was the nearest emergency dentist. As the dentist prodded and scraped the offending molar, I just had to remark to him, "Gosh that smarts a bit " as he proceeded to scrape me off the ceiling. Anyway that's why no post last night!
 The gull experts seemed of the opinion that the above bird is a Lesser Black Backed Gull. I am definitely not an expert, but I would have thought that the obvious pale tips to the primaries would rule out LBBG. All comments welcome.
 While watching That Gull a Hare came bounding across the beach, earlier apart from a few Auks off shore the only other thing of note from the fishing boats was the 1w Glaucous Gull dropping onto the beach in front of me.

1 comment:

  1. Not that I'm saying it is one but has anyone checked out Thayers for the Gull? They can show white 'bits' (technical term) on the primaries in juvenile plumages?? It could have a bit of Thayers in it perhaps? Those scapulars looks very odd and Thayers can have similarly mottled scaps? It is an odd looking thing and not quite right for smithsonianus perhaps. Over 'n' out ... Phil ex Pegwell
