Arrived at the beach for sea watch late this morning to be told by Bernard and Bert that nothing was passing. They were going to look for yesterdays Ring Ouzel at the ARC Pit and then go to Galloways for a reeling Gropper so i joined them. At the ARC Bernard quickly found the Ouzel which showed well for a few minutes before flying into the Sallows. Also of note we saw a Grey Partridge there. Galloways was alive with Whitethroats and Sedge Warblers, but no Gropper. Also there of note 2 Stonechats, 4 Wheatears and 2 Med Gulls. On my way back to the beach the Ouzel was showing very well
again so more pictures were taken. On the beach by the fishing boats the juv Glaucous Gull was very obliging for the camera. Wondering what to do next i headed for Denge Marsh Gully. As drove down the road i could see several birders on Springfield Bridge staring into the dyke so i stopped to take a look and was told that a Vagrant Emporer Dragonfly was present but had just flown to the far end of the dyke on private property. Fortunately it flew back down and gave good flight views so no pics for me but Dave Walker got some good ones earlier when it was perched.
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