Friday 22 March 2024


Great-crested Grebe with Stickleback from Hanson late morning

This mornings sea watch was probably the poorest watch of the year so far!

06.30-08.30 with RW from the sea watch hide.  Wind WSW5  Temp 10° light rain 

Brent Goose: 4E
Common Scoter: 19E   
Great-crested Grebe: 2 present 
Oystercatcher: 3E
Kittiwake: 9E 
Mediterranean Gull: 3E     1W
Great Black-backed Gull:  present n/c
Herring Gull: present n/c
Sandwich Tern: 5E   
Guillemot: 9E   3W
Auk sp: 34E       25W
Red-throated Diver: 36E   2W   
Gannet: 92E   17W      32 present
Cormorant: 14 present
Peregrine: 3 tussling over power station, intruder chased SW out to sea.
Harbour Porpoise: 4

My first 3 Swallows and a Sand Martin of the year over misty ARC this morning, also my first Kingfisher of the year there, a couple of Siskins flew through and a few Chiffchaffs were obvious new arrivals. The Black-throated Diver was also there but flew over onto Burrowes mid afternoon.
A fly catching first summer Little Gull on Burrowes this afternoon

A fly catching Black-headed Gull with a near adult Little Gull on Burrowes this afternoon
What I consider to be a "Littoralis" Rock Pipit fly catching on the raft in front of Dennis's Hide this afternoon
Great Northern Diver on Burrowes this afternoon
Drake Goldeneye on Burrowes in the rain

Thursday 21 March 2024


Wheatear behind the boats today
A very poor sea watch for us this morning.
06.30-08.30 with RW, TH, DW  from the sea watch hide. Wind NE 1-2 Temp 9°  

Wigeon: 3E
Teal: 5E
Common Scoter: 29E   4W    
Great-crested Grebe: 4E      5 present 
Oystercatcher: 4E
Kittiwake: 1E    2W  
Black-headed Gull: 100E     
Common Gull: 22E
Great Black-backed Gull:  present n/c
Herring Gull: present n/c
Sandwich Tern: 4E   3W  
Guillemot: 8E   
Auk sp: 26E       8W
Red-throated Diver: 27E   2W
Fulmar: 1E     
Gannet: 192E   
Cormorant: 35 present
Harbour Porpoise: 2
Glossy Ibis around the hay fields late morning. This bird looks to be a new arrival as the long staying bird is not as colourful and has the juvenile pale flecking around the neck.
An influx of Little Egrets onto the Hayfields today
A wander around the hay fields with Colin and Richard in gloomy conditions saw 2 Corn Buntings at Springfield Bridge, a Great White Egret and probably the 2 Water Pipits in Denge Marsh Flood, on hayfield 3 c10 Common Snipe, 2 Pintail and the Ibis of any note, several Bearded Tits were seen in the reeds and Bittern was heard briefly but it generally very quiet.
This afternoon in hindsight a wander around the Scotney sand pit was probably a mistake, visibility was very poor in the mist, the wind had picked up and it was cold, apart from mewing Mediterranean Gulls little was seen.

Wednesday 20 March 2024


Oystercatchers passing the sea watch hide this morning
Meadow Pipit on the wall behind the sea watch hide

Enough on the sea watch this morning to keep my interest for a couple of hours.
 06.30-09.00 with RW, OL, DW  from the sea watch hide.  Wind S 1-2 Temp 11° 

Brent Goose: 117E (5 parties)
Shelduck: 14E     
Shoveler: 26E
Pintail: 3E
Common Scoter: 147E   4W    
Great-crested Grebe: 2E      6 present 
Oystercatcher: 22
Ringed Plover: 1E  
Whimbrel: 2E 
Kittiwake: 2E  
Black-headed Gull: 96E     
Mediterranean Gull: 1E 
Common Gull: 19E
Great Black-backed Gull:  present n/c
Herring Gull: present n/c
Sandwich Tern: 5E   1W  
Guillemot: 3E   
Auk sp: 3E       4W
Red-throated Diver: 93E   
Fulmar: 2E     
Gannet: 26E    4W
Cormorant: 46 present
Harbour Porpoise: 4
After the sea watch Owen and Richard picked me up in the truck which was loaded with Tree Sparrow nestboxes which were kindly supplied by Paul Trodd, John Young and Dungeness RSPB. We made our way out onto the marsh with permission from the farmer and installed the boxes to the accompaniment of Tree Sparrows tu-wicking around us. There are now 25 boxes for this colony, hopefully they will all be used like the first batch we put up last year.
While having lunch at home there was a kettle of 12 Common buzzards over me
White Wagtails at Springfield Bridge this afternoon

Corn Buntings at Springfield Bridge this afternoon

Black-necked Grebe on Dengemarsh this afternoon
One of two Water Pipits on Dengemarsh Flood this afternoon
Water Pipit over Dengemarsh Flood

Tuesday 19 March 2024


Black Redstart in the power station behind the hide
 06.30-09.00 with TW, RW, PT from the sea watch hide

Brent Goose: 81E (9 parties)
Shelduck: 2E        1W
Shoveler: 7E
Common Scoter: 36E       
Great-crested Grebe: 2E    1W    4 present 
Oystercatcher: 8E   
Kittiwake: 3E    17W 
Black-headed Gull: 10E     1W
Mediterranean Gull: 11E 
Common Gull: 26E
Great Black-backed Gull:  present n/c
Herring Gull: present n/c
Sandwich Tern: 3E     
Arctic Skua: 1E DP
Guillemot: 4E   2 present   
Auk sp: 42E       11W
Red-throated Diver: 44E    7W 
Fulmar: 1E      2W
Fulmar: 1E
Gannet: 33E    5W
Cormorant:  present n/c
Harbour Porpoise: 1
Black-throated Diver on the ARC from the Axell bus stop
It has been generally very quiet on the peninsular, a small arrival of Wheatears and Chiffchaffs with the odd Black Redstart and Firecrest. The only addition on the reserve was a 1w/s Little Gull on Burrowes.

Saturday 16 March 2024


  With a gentle NW breeze blowing I wasn't expecting an exciting sea watch, it didn't disappoint.

06.30-08.30 with SO from the sea watch hide.  Wind NW 1-2 Temp 9°

Brent Goose: 134E (9 parties)
Shoveler: 1E
Common Scoter: 17E   1W     
Great-crested Grebe: 1W    8 present 
Oystercatcher: 5E    1W
Black-headed Gull: 12E     
Mediterranean Gull: 1E 
Common Gull: 6E
Great Black-backed Gull:  present n/c
Herring Gull: present n/c
Sandwich Tern: 2E     
Guillemot: 12E   2W  16 present   
Auk sp: 4E       
Red-throated Diver: 26E    42W 
Fulmar: 1E      2W
Gannet: 37E    24W
Cormorant:  present n/c
Carrion Crow: 6 in off
Harbour Porpoise: 4
A brazen Mink at Denge Marsh early afternoon

A pleasant wander around Denge Marsh and the reserve late morning/early afternoon with Colin Turley in warm sunshine was mainly uneventful, apart from an encounter with a brazen Mink that literally trotted along the bridleway towards and past us by just a few feet. From Denge Marsh hide the Black-necked grebe was showing fairly well and 2 Goldeneye but not much else. Christmas Dell was as usual very quiet, though the new island creation works looks very promising, time will tell. Another Black-necked grebe and a great Northern Diver were the highlights from the old Makepiece viewpoint, plenty of Black-headed Gulls were dipping for insects but sadly no Little Gull. 
Elsewhere the Black-throated Diver was at southern end of the ARC, a few Wheatears were seen around the peninsular, also a few Chiffchaffs and Redwings but no big arrival.
Great Northern Diver on Burrowes
These 2 Common Gulls have been loafing at the northern end of Denge Marsh Flood for a few days now

Friday 15 March 2024


  A much quieter sea watch this morning probably due to the poor visibility and rain.

06.45-09.00 with TW,TH, DW, OL, RW from the sea watch hide, Wind SW 6 Temp 11° 

Brent Goose: 92E        9W
Common Scoter: 85E     
Great-crested Grebe: present n/c
Oystercatcher: 1E
Kittiwake: 13E       2W
Black-headed Gull: 9E     
Mediterranean Gull: 5E 
Common Gull: 11E
Great Black-backed Gull:  present n/c
Herring Gull: present n/c
Lesser Black-backed Gull: 2E
Sandwich Tern: 9E     1W
Guillemot: 31E   2W     
Auk sp: 28E    12W       
Red-throated Diver: 37E    6W 
Fulmar: 3E      3W
Gannet: 187E    42W
Cormorant:  present n/c
Peregrine: 1 
Harbour Porpoise: 2
Grey Seal: 1

After breakfast I took a stroll around the muddy tracks of the hay fields to Dengemarsh Hide. A Great White Egret jumped out of the old pump site, also a pair of Bearded Tits there. On hayfield 3 a Wigeon, Teal, Gadwall, Mallard, 2 Pintail and some Shelduck but no sign of any hoped for Garganey, a Raven with a full crop flew over towards its nest site. As I reached hayfield 2, 2 Water Pipits jumped out of the long grass calling and gave me the usual view that I've been getting (see image below) From Dengemarsh hide a Black-necked Grebe still present also the 2 female Goldeneye but little else of note,
The typical view I've been getting of the Water Pipits as they fly off to another field
On my back home for lunch I spotted an alba Wagtail in one of the Lydd Fields
After lunch heading for the beach the Glossy Ibis flew over the road and into the horse paddock, as I reached the estate entrance a message from DW that he had found a Wheatear behind the fishing boats, a few minutes later I was there but found no sign, this was no doubt due to my incompetence as a little time later RW went there and found 2 Wheatears, mean while I was in Hanson hide looking at a distant Great Northern Diver and Black-throated Diver. On returning to my car I drove back to the fishing boats where I managed to find both of the Wheatears, while there a pair of Egyptian Geese came in and landed by Mr T, I was more pleased to see these as I believe they are the first ones I have seen on the ground at the fishing boats.
My first Wheatears of 2024

Egyptian Geese behind the fishing boats by Mr T

Wednesday 13 March 2024


3 distant Velvet Scoters passing East this morning
Another good sea watch today with the highlight for me being 2 Spoonbills, the first I have seen on a sea watch at Dungeness.
06.30-11.30 with TW,TH, CP & RW from the sea watch hide.  Wind SW 4 Temp 9°

Brent Goose: 1,880E 
Wigeon: 1E 
Pintail: 68E
Velvet Scoter: 3E  
Common Scoter: 51E     3W
Great-crested Grebe:  60+ present
Kittiwake: 16E
Black-headed Gull: 291E     
Mediterranean Gull: 31E 
Common Gull: 661E
Great Black-backed Gull:  present n/c
Herring Gull: present n/c
Lesser Black-backed Gull: 1 present
Sandwich Tern: 2E     1W
Guillemot: 68E   16W      21 present
Auk sp: 65E    19W       
Red-throated Diver: 83E    13W 
Fulmar: 1E      3W
Gannet: 47E    19W
Cormorant:  present n/c
Spoonbill: 2E  First ones I have seen on a Dungeness sea watch
Peregrine: 1 in off presumed local bird
Skylark: 9W
Harbour Porpoise: 1
Brent Geese passing this morning
Peregrine that came in off the sea this morning, presumably a local bird that had been on a hunting sortie.
The Dengemarsh Black-necked Grebe
My all around Dengemarsh saw 2 Water Pipits, flight views only as when they do land they are hidden among the Cotton Grass. Also 12 Dunlin, 2 Curlew, 3 Redshank and at least 6 pairs of Lapwing. There is still lots of Teal, Wigeon and Shoveler around the reserve, those around the hay fields seem to be particularly jumpy.

Another Black-necked Grebe from Makepiece
A very distant Black-necked Grebe from Firth 
Gorgeous Little Gull on Burrowes today
Great Northern Diver on Burrowes late afternoon
There is possibly 3 Great Northern Divers present on the reserve, as Steve M and Alan P saw 2 Great Northern and a Black-throated Diver on ARC at the more or less the same time I was seeing this one on Burrowes.
I don't think I've ever this boat at Dungeness before

Tuesday 12 March 2024


A Thoroughly miserable day on the peninsular.

06.45-09.00 with TW, RW, from the sea watch hide.  Wind SSW 3 Temp 9°  Rain    poor visibility

Brent Goose: 164E (5 parties)
Wigeon: 2E 
Pintail: 4E
Eider: 2E immature drakes
Common Scoter: 33E     4W
Great-crested Grebe:  46 Minimum present
Kittiwake: 8E
Common Gull: 6E
Great Black-backed Gull: 12E
Herring Gull: present n/c
Sandwich Tern: 2E
Guillemot: 48E     13W     8 on
Razorbill: 1E    
Auk sp: 8E     2W
Red-throated Diver: 42E    24W 
Fulmar: 3E         1W
Gannet: 85E    23W
Cormorant:  present n/c
Grey Seal: 1

I had a wander around the hay fields from mid afternoon when the rain finally let up, but even then the drizzle and mist persisted. I found my first Black-necked Grebe of the year on Dengemarsh ( no images as I didn't fancy carrying the camera in the poor weather) also Great White Egret there. On hayfield 2 there was a stunning Icelandic Black-tailed Godwit with 14 Dunlin. A Brown Hare was behind Christmas Dell and 4 Bearded Tits were at the old pump site, unfortunately little else was seen in the way of new arrivals.

Monday 11 March 2024



One of the Brent Geese flocks from early this morning in the fog

06.20-09.20 & 13.00-15.00 with TW, RW, DW, OL from the sea watch hide. Wind NW 3 Temp 7°  Fog

Brent Goose: 2,229E     6W
Shelduck: 2W
Wigeon: 8E 
Teal: 2E    3W
Common Scoter: 4E  2W   4 on
Great-crested Grebe:  4E   9 present
Dunlin: 2E 
Black-headed Gull: 3E
Common Gull: 2E
Great Black-backed Gull:  present n/c
Herring Gull: present n/c
Sandwich Tern: 3E presume same  3W    
Guillemot: 9E     11W     6 on
Razorbill: 2E    
Red-throated Diver: 29E    71W 
Fulmar: 1E
Gannet: 14E    25W
Cormorant:  present n/c
Harbour Porpoise: 3+
Red-throated Diver from the sea with hide this afternoon

Sunday 10 March 2024


 3 Pale-bellied Brent Geese, possibly 5 in this image from yesterday 
Another excellent days sea watching, which included the first Arctic Skua and the first push of Little Gulls of the spring. Also excellent numbers of Brent Geese and Red-throated Divers, also a Goldeneye which is not a common bird on a sea watch

06.20-11.20 & 13.45-15.30 with TW, DW from the sea watch hide, Wind ESE 3 Temp 7°

Brent Goose: 2,457E 
Shoveler: 4E 
Wigeon: 17E 
Pintail: 34
Teal: 9E 
Velvet Scoter: 1W  
Common Scoter: 398E     2W
Great-crested Grebe:  3E    4W    4 present
Goldeneye: 1E
Red-breasted Merganser: 2E
Curlew: 3E 
Sanderling: 1W
Dunlin: 8E 
Kittiwake: 91E
Black-headed Gull: 31E     2W
Little Gull: 30E
Mediterranean Gull: 6E 
Common Gull: 27E
Great Black-backed Gull:  present n/c
Herring Gull: present n/c
Sandwich Tern: 1W
Arctic Skua: 1E
Guillemot: 43E
Razorbill: 2E 
Auk sp: 36E     10W
Red-throated Diver: 722E    44W 
Fulmar: 3E
Gannet: 410E   17W
Cormorant:  present n/c
Sparrowhawk: 1 female SE out to sea
Harbour Porpoise: 5+
Grey Seal: 1
The Glossy Ibis is still around its usual haunts, Both Great Northern and Black-throated Divers were to be found on the lakes, 4 Cattle Egrets by the airport road, but no noticeable sign of passerine passage.

Saturday 9 March 2024

Pale-bellied Brent Goose with Dark-bellied Brent Geese

  An excellent morning sea watching producing the first 3 Sandwich terns of the spring., fingers crossed for many more in the coming weeks.

06.45-11.45 with SO, DW from the sea watch hide. Wind SSE4-5 Temp 7°

Brent Goose: 1,569E (34 parties)
Pale-bellied Brent Goose: 3E
Shelduck: 12E (2 parties)
Shoveler: 15E (3 parties)
Wigeon: 12E  (3 parties)
Pintail: 46(8 parties)
Teal: 29E ( 6 parties)
Tufted Duck: 3E
Velvet Scoter: 7E  (1 party)
Common Scoter: 68E ( 17 parties)
Great-crested Grebe:  9E    2W
Oystercatcher: 6E
Curlew: 6E (3 parties)
Dunlin: 12E  (4 parties)
Kittiwake: 56E
Black-headed Gull: 46E
Mediterranean Gull: 4E  ( 1 party)
Common Gull: 49E
Great Black-backed Gull: 37E
Herring Gull: present n/c
Lesser Black-backed Gull: 1E
Sandwich Tern: 3E
Guillemot: 108E
Razorbill: 11E 
Auk sp: 117E     
Red-throated Diver: 427E    6W 
Gannet: 1,605E
Cormorant:  present n/c
Skylark: 1E off shore
Harbour Porpoise: 2
Grey Seal: 1
Common Seal: 1
Velvets Scoters passing distantly this morning
2 Great Northern Divers were still on Burrowes late this afternoon
Curlew on Hay Field 2 late afternoon