As social media has been full of brilliant images of the Woodhall Spa White-billed Diver I couldn't resist joining DW & HG on a trip to see it. Although the journey was quite foggy the BBC had promised the fog would lift and the sun would be shining by lunch time, they LIED!!!! At 15.00 we could still barely see across the river. The Diver performed very well for us, shame about the weather.
Thursday, 26 January 2017
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
Grebes & Geese!
First thing this morning in calm cloudy conditions I walked round the back of Scotney towards Jury's Gap. 2 Lapland Buntings were in the fields though I only saw them in flight,as when they landed they disappeared in the furrows and vegetation, c 50 Corn Buntings were around as well as a few Skylarks, Reed Buntings and a Stonechat. Several raptors were seen Marsh Harriers, Peregrine, Common Buzzard, Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. A Black-necked Grebe was on the back lake among 6 Little Grebes as was a Green Sandpiper, A Great White Egret flew over, 14 Egyptian Geese, 6 Brent Geese were among some Greylags and Canada Geese.
White-fronted Geese
At Camber the Red-necked Grebe was still showing distantly in the North West corner of it's chosen lake because the rest of the lake was frozen. Back at Scotney from the double bends the sun was shining, a Black-necked Grebe was feeding along the back edge on the lake some White-fronted Geese(now called Russian White-fronted Geese) flew in to join others already on the spit making a total of 41, 6 Pink-Footed Geese, a single Tundra Bean Goose were also there resting among the Greylags and Barnacle Geese.
White-fronted Geese
White-fronted Geese
5 of 6 Pink-footed Geese present today
The Ring-necked duck was at the far end of Cook's Pool in a small unfrozen area, also a red head Smew there. A Slavonian Grebe was on Burrowes from Dennis's hide and another from the causeway at Boulderwall end of the New Diggings also several Great-crested Grebes making another 5 Grebe day.
At The Patch in the company of MH, PB and DW in the appalling light we found 1 of the Iceland Gulls, a Mediterranean Gull, the drake Eider, a Great Skua was marauding off shore, several Red-throated Divers were tooing and froing, also several rafts of Guillemots off shore.
The Long-eared Owl was back at the Dipping Pool per PB. 44 Bewick Swans were west of Cheyne per BB and 8 Great White Egrets came into the ARC roost per PB.
Sunday, 22 January 2017
German Yellow ringed X060 1w Caspian Gull (possibly Hybrid) Saturday afternoon
After several days of severe frost the lakes are beginning to freeze. A quick look around Burrowes early this morning found 7 red head Smew and 5 Goosander (3 drakes) and 3 Great White Egrets flew over. Once again the Long-eared Owls were missing much to the disappointment of coachloads of birders who were arriving as I left.
A Little Owl was sun bathing on the ranges, Bretts Marina was frozen as was Dengemarsh so little was seen. At partially frozen Scotney the Geese must have been feeding out the back, a red head Smew was on the main lake. I was going to have a wander out the back but the number of cars parked at the farm entrance put me off.
1w Little Gull at the fishing boats this afternoon
This afternoon at the fishing boats with Mick and Richard no Caspian Gulls, but there were a few colour ringed Herring and Great Black Backed Gulls, a 1w Little Gull made a couple of flybys. Off shore 2 Mediterranean Gulls, a Great Skua, a few each of Kittiwakes, Gannets, Guillemots, Razorbills and Red-throated Divers, the most unusual bird though was a drake Pochard that flew down channel.
Friday, 20 January 2017
Elusive Laplands!
What with having the builders at home and a doctors appointment, the latter becoming more frequent with the passing years, I didn't get out and about until midday. I went straight to Scotney, as I arrived AP was leaving having just seen 2 Lapland Buntings in the fields behind the lakes. I wandered out to the back having an interesting chat on my way with the farmer about the number of pairs of Barn Owls at Scotney, reaching the raised bank I scanned the distant Greylag Geese, finding 2 Tundra Bean Geese among them 5 Brent Geese and a separate party of 14 Egyptian Geese. Carrying on along the bank 4 Goldfinches, 2 Corn Buntings, 6 Reed Buntings and 3 Skylarks came out of the rough ground around the dung heap, reaching the far end of the rough I heard a Lapland Bunting but was unable to see it because of the low sun, a few minutes later I heard the call again and 2 birds came out of the sun and dropped into the crop field c50 mts from the path. I spent a few minutes scoping the area but could not locate them until they took off and flew back over me into the sun dropping into the ploughed field by the lake, once again I scoped the area but was unable to find them on the ground.
4 Pinkfeet, 2 Tundra Bean and a Greylag Goose taken yesterday
Drake and duck Smew on the New Excavations this afternoon
Visiting the reserve this afternoon the Ring-necked Duck was still on Cook's pool and the first drake Smew of the year was on the New Excavations. While scrutinising the 100s of Gulls that came into bathe, I came across a drake and 2 duck Goosander but no interesting Gulls.
The 2 Iceland Gulls were still at The Patch today per DW.
Wednesday, 18 January 2017
10 Great White Egrets at sunrise on the ARC this morning
As I drove across the causeway this morning I was surprised to see a group of Great White Egrets sheltering from the the bitter east wind, I was even more surprised when I pulled over and counted 10 birds, the most I have ever photographed in one shot. While I was there the Bewick Swans left the lake to feed out on Walland Marsh.
A walk along the beach from the point towards the Lifeboat station was bracing and unrewarding, just a few Red-throated Divers and Gannets seen.
I joined DW at The Patch and spent an hour watching the 2 1w Iceland Gulls (including the bird that some thought might be a Glaucous Gull), the drake Eider was present before I arrived and DW spotted an adult Mediterranean Gull which through my incompetence I could not get on to. A peregrine flew over as I walked back to the car.This afternoon with MH we saw Little Owl in the Lydd camp, at Scotney no Grey Geese were present though there was a Black-necked Grebe on the main lake. On the reserve the Ring-necked duck was still insitu, a drake Goosander flew over and 1,100+ Cormorants roosted on Burrowes.
Tuesday, 17 January 2017
Iceland Gulls!
1w Iceland Gulls
The 2 1w Iceland Gulls were at The Patch this morning, though sometimes difficult to pick out among the throng of Black-headed Gulls, the drake Eider was also still there. Offshore a few each of Gannet, Red-throated Diver and Guillemot.The 2 Slavonian Grebes were still on the New Diggings viewable from the causeway.
No sign of the Whitefronts or Bewick Swans at Pigwell this morning. On the lydd sewage works 40+ Pied Wagtails and a Grey Wagtail.
At Scotney 4 Pink-footed Geese and 2 Tundra Bean Geese among the hordes of feral Greylags and Barnacle Geese, also 17 Egyptian Geese. On the far bank a Green Sandpiper and 2 Marsh Harriers hunting the bank.
3 of the 4 Pinkfeet
1 of the 2 Tundra Bean Geese
From Cockles Bridge c200 Golden Plover, c500 Lapwing, 10 Dunlin, 2 Ruff, 3 Marsh Harriers and a Great White Egret. This afternoon a walk from the ARC car park to the pines was very quiet, 4 Long-tailed tits were the highlights until Steve Brown spotted 3 red head Smew on the first pit on the left as you leave the car park towards the screen hide, also a couple of Chiffchaff there. Over the road the Ring-necked duck was still on Cook's Pool.
On the beach this afternoon it was very quiet, though a Glaucous Gull was reported there, despite a search of the beach I couldn't relocate it or the regular 1w Caspian Gull.
Late afternoon 10 Great White Egrets and 14 Little Egrets came into the ARC roost also 8 Bewick Swans came in and a Peregrine flew over.
As I got out of my car at home another 20+ Bewick swans flew over my house towards the ARC.
Monday, 16 January 2017
1w Caspian Gull
With a bright low sun at the fishing boats this morning sea watching was virtually impossible, not that there was much moving on a flat calm sea and very low tide. I decided to walk along the beach to the lifeboat station and back checking the Gulls. The regular 1w Caspian Gull was atop one of the old sheds, while along the beach very few Gulls could be found even on the mud with the bait diggers. Scanning out into the bay I picked up 2 Swans along way out flying in from the continent, hoping that they may be Whoopers I watched them for what seemed ages as they came in, only to be disappointed when they turned out to be Mute Swans they eventually came in over the lifeboat station. 12 Turnstones were the only waders I saw, round the containers a party of 4 Meadow Pipits unbelievably the first I have recorded this year, also 2 Stock doves there.
Great White Egret
On the reserve the Ring-necked Duck still also a Great white Egret there. The long-eared Owls were missing today but I guess they will reappear soon. Burrowes was very quiet with few Gulls, few ducks and only a handful of Goldeneye of any note.
At Scotney I couldn't find any interesting Geese among the few Greylags on the main lake, the Black-necked Grebe was still on the back lake.
A wander around Pigwell found 14 Bewick Swans and 36 White-fronted Geese but little else of note.
Little Owls
By the watch towers on the Lydd ranges 2 Little Owls were showing well but distant. Driving across the causeway the 2 Slavonian Grebes could be seen.
1w Iceland Gull
At The Patch this afternoon the 2 1w Iceland Gulls showing distantly in terrible light conditions, the drake Eider was also there.
Sunday, 15 January 2017
Iceland Gull!
08.00-10.00 from the fishing boats:
Brent Goose: 2 up 9 down
Shelduck: 1 up
Teal: 7 up
Common Scoter: 5 up
Red-throated Diver: 89 up 4 down
Great-crested Grebe: 56 around
Gannet: 63 up 8 down
Cormorant: 100s present
Turnstone: 3 on beach
Great Skua: 1 around
Pomarine Skua: 1 around
Mediterranean Gull: 1 up
Iceland Gull: 1 1w down
Kittiwake: 23 down 20+ around
Guillemot: 24 up 9 on sea
Razorbill: 4 up 2 down 5 on sea
Auk sp: 82 up
Harbour Porpoise: 1 around
The drake Eider was also at The Patch.
Very poor images of 1 of 2 1w Iceland Gulls at The Patch
Late afternoon on Walland Marsh it was still drizzly and misty, 17 Marsh Harriers roosted in the reed bed I was watching.Saturday, 14 January 2017
Excellent afternoon on the beach!
Stonechat (maybe) still present this morning
Ring-necked Duck, Long-eared Owls, Slavonian Grebes, Tundra bean Geese, Pinkfeet, Black-necked Grebe, Great White Egrets all still present today per the bird news services.
An excellent afternoon at the fishing boats with Mick and Richard. Finally caught up with the drake Eider, 2 Scaup flew down channel, the usual Gannets, Red-throated divers and Auks offshore, the regular 1w Caspian Gull showing to a few feet, a 1w Glaucous Gull appearing late afternoon as the sun went down.
Drake Eider at the fishing boats
The regular 1w Caspian Gull
The regular 1w Caspian Gull
The regular 1w Caspian Gull
1w Glaucous Gull turned up late afternoon
Uncropped image
Friday, 13 January 2017
A some what chilly start to the morning with a bright low sun that would have made sea watching from the fishing boats hard work. I opted to go to Scotney, there I met Colin and Bert who had also decided to have a walk around the back of the pits. No sign of the Little Owls which was no surprise, the Black-necked Grebe was still on the first pit, out on the fields a party of 17 Egyptian Geese, 2 Tundra Bean Geese and 2 Brent Geese were located among the hordes of Greylags. A ring tail Hen Harrier flew out towards the wind turbines, several each of Skylark and Corn bunting were seen.
Long-eared Owls at the Dipping Pool
Next stop the reserve where the Ring-necked Duck was still on Cook's Pool. While we were in the VC we heard news of some Waxwings in Hythe, so after a quick look at the 2 Long-eared Owls we made our way to Hythe where on our arrival it was snowing heavily. We soon located the Waxwings perched high in some trees giving very poor views in the heavy snow and poor light, a few record images were taken now deleted.
While waiting for the weather to improve we drove to Stade Street where 3 Purple Sandpipers were showing well, also 7 Mediterranean Gulls, a fairly showy Red-throated Diver and a scarcity in the form of a Shag.
As the weather improved we made our way back to the Red Lion area, fortunately the Waxwings showed quite well though quite flighty and ranging over fairly wide area. Many thanks to Colin and Bert for there company and brilliant day out despite the weather.
Waxwings Hythe
Purple Sandpiper, Stade Street, Hythe.
Shag, Stade Street, Hythe.
Red-throated Diver, Statde street, Hythe.
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