Waking up to a thoroughly miserable day on the peninsular didn't encourage me to get out early. As I drove past Kerton Road I could see a few birders braving the horrible conditions looking for the "Stonechat" I left them to it. When I finally arrived at The Point OL & MH were already there watching from the shelter of the car. 2 Great Skuas were fairly close inshore beating up some Herring Gulls, a 1w Glaucous Gull arrived and settled on the sea only to be attacked by the Skua's and disappear around The Point. Plenty of Guillemots, Red-throated Divers and Gannets were tooing and froing but just a handful of Razorbills were present, 4 Fulmars moved past down channel as did 4 Brent Geese and 2 super Velvet Scoters.
JC417 at the puddles this afternoon
This afternoon at the puddles conditions were even more challenging, I joined Mick, Richard and David who were surrounded by 100s of Gulls attracted by their offerings, a 1w Caspian Gull was there and another came in as we were leaving.
Late afternoon 5 Goosander were on the ARC from the causeway, the Ring-necked Duck was still on Cook's Pool and the Long-eared Owl was showing in the gloom and rain at the dipping pool. Hopefully the weather will be better tomorrow and I might have a look for the Stonechat.