Wednesday, 21 December 2016

A miserable looking Caspian Gull at the Fish Hut this morning
08.00-10.00 from the turning circle in SW 3-4 with drizzle.
All down channel unless stated otherwise:

Teal:         6
Common Scoter:  6
Great-crested Grebe: 5 around
Red-throated Diver: 16
Fulmar:          5
Gannet:      984
Cormorant: many present n/c
Great Skua:   2
Black-headed Gull:  many present n/c
Common Gull:  many present n/c
Herring Gull:   many present n/c
Great Black Backed Gull:  many present n/c
Kittiwake:   18
Auk:        1664 vast majority were Guillemots
The Bewick Swans from Hanson
The 1w Caspian Gull was by the Fish Hut when I arrived this morning and still present when I left.
A short visit to the ARC from Hanson found 18 Bewick Swans (17 ads 1 juv) asleep on 1 of the remaining shallow areas, also Great White Egret there and 2 Goldeneye of note. As I left the hide the rain set in which I did not mind as I had to spend the rest of the day Christmas shopping.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Gannet at the fishing boats this morning
 08.10-10.10 from the fishing boats:

Shelduck: 1 down
Common Scoter: 1 up
Red-throated Diver: 103 up
Great-crested Grebe: 4 on sea
Gannet: 133 up
Cormorant: many present
Oystercatcher: 9 up
Turnstone: 2 on beach
Great Skua: 1 down
Black-headed Gull: many present
Mediterranean Gull: 2 up
Common Gull: present n/c
Herring Gull: many present
1w Caspian Gull: the regular bird at the puddles
Lesser Black-backed Gull: present n/c
Great Black-backed Gull: many present
Kittiwake: 7 up     5 around
Guillemot: 621 up     200+ on sea
Razorbill:   16 up       3 on sea
Auk sp:  541 up

 1w Caspian Gull at the puddles
 If you want to get close views bring bread

At Cooks Pool, Boulderwall the Ring-necked Duck was showing well late morning. In 2 visits to Burrowes late morning and mid afternoon, 3 Caspian Gulls an adult and 2 x 1w, 3 Yellow-legged Gulls 2 x  adults and 3rd year bird, 3 red head Smew and 3 Godeneye. again no sign of the Long-eared Owl today.
At Scotney all the usual feral geese and wildfowl but nothing notable.
Late afternoon 12 Great White Egrets and 16 Little Egrets came into the ARC roost this evening, also a drake Goosander flew towards Burrowes.

Monday, 19 December 2016

This mornings sea watch from the turning circle from the relative comfort of the car. The fog horn was blasting out through the mist and steady drizzle over a flat calm sea:
Brent Goose: 4 up
Teal: 3 up
Long-tailed Duck: 1 up
Great-crested Grebe: 5 on sea
Red-throated Diver: 17 down   2 up     2 on sea
Gannet: 40+ feeding
Merlin: 1 hunting at sea
Oystercatcher: 1 up
Turnstone: 2 on beach
Great Skua: 1 down
Kittiwake:  3 down    4 around
Guillemot: 200+ down    20+ up         30+ on sea
Razorbill:  14 down       2 up          2 on sea
Grey Seal:  1
Out of interest is it still necessary to have fog horns, surely these days ships have radar, sonar and GPS. If someone knows the reason please enlighten me.  

The Ring-necked Duck was back on Cooks Pool today but no sign of the Long-eared Owl. From the comfort of the VC  an adult Caspian Gull, an adult Yellow-legged Gull and a Goldeneye of note.
Early afternoon back at the beach the regular 1w Caspian Gull came to some bread, while offshore, a Fulmar flew up channel as did 2 Common Scoter and 5 Brent Geese, also 3 Brent Geese flew down channel. The weather closed in again so home for a cup of tea. 

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Galloways Again!

A gloomy wind less early morning at the fishing boats, on flat calm sea a feeding frenzy of c50 Gannets plunging in among c200 Cormorants, c20 Guillemots and a few Great-crested Grebes. In half an hour 44 Red-throated Divers flew down channel and 5 up, apart from these little else seemed to be moving.
 Bewick Swans leaving the ARC this morning
18 Bewick Swans left the ARC to go to Walland to feed. The Long-eared Owl was back at the Dipping Pool this morning and 1w Kittiwake was on Burrowes. The Ring-necked Duck moved to the ARC today and 2 Goosander also there per RO.
Red-throated Divers past Galloways
As there has been no firing on the ranges for the last few days, I decided to walk along the beach from Galloways towards The Midrips, someone has to make the sacrifice. Off shore Red-throated Divers were much in evidence tooing and froing which was just as well as in 2.5 hrs on the beach and salt marsh apart from the Gulls I saw the grand total of 2 Meadow Pipits, a single Redshank and a Kestrel.
Late afternoon from the viewing ramp on the reserve 5 Marsh Harriers flew through, as did 2 Common Buzzards and a Raven. A Bittern gave a brief flyby, Bearded Tits, a Kingfisher and Cetti's Warblers were present. A wren entertained with peculiar behaviour on the Bearded Tits grit tray by rolling in and covering its self in the grit. A brief adrenalin rush occurred when I was scanning through a flock of c500 Lapwing I picked out a pale buffy coloured individual. I quickly changed the 30x for a 60x zoom through which I could see the bird was just a leucistic Lapwing.

Saturday, 17 December 2016


 1w Caspian Gull
An interesting hour this morning at The Point once the fog had cleared, the highlights being 3 long-tailed Ducks that flew up channel, as did 40 Brent Geese, 110 Wigeon, 4 Shoveler also 2 Great Skua's were noted. Fair numbers of Red-throated Divers and Guillemots were tooing and froing.
This afternoon at the fishing boats 3+ 1w Caspian Gulls  were coming to Mick and Richards offerings, one of the Caspian Gulls was very vocal a video of it giving it's very distinctive call can be seen HERE
2 x 1w Caspian Gulls
 1w Caspian Gull
F3XT Herring Gull

Thursday, 15 December 2016

The One That Got Away!

 3 Velvet Scoter past this morning
08.05-09.35 from the fishing boats:
Brent Goose:  373 up
Velvet Scoter: 3 down
Red-throated Diver:  52 down
Black-throated Diver: 1 down
Great-crested Grebe: 17 around
Gannet: 56 down      23 up
Cormorant: many present n/c
Turnstone:  3 around
Black-headed Gull: many present n/c
Herring Gull: many present n/c
1w Caspian Gull: 1 on beach
G.B.B.Gull: present n/c
L.B.B.Gull: present n/c
Kittiwake: 12 down    6 around
Guillemot:  32 down       18 on sea
Razorbill:   1 down  1 on sea
News of a Red-necked Grebe at Scotney curtailed my sea watch, but by the time I arrived it had disappeared. 
I joined AJG in walk out to the back of Scotney to the barns. Myriads of Lapwing and Golden Plover gave spectacular flying displays each time they were flushed by machinery, 1,000+ Greylag Geese were also present, a Ring-tail Hen Harrier gave good scope views, 2 Marsh Harriers were  seen. Passerines were thin on the ground with just a handful each of Corn Bunting, Skylark and Meadow Pipits.
Stonechat at the caravan park
Another hour spent early afternoon looking for the Red-necked Grebe drew a blank, a posing Stonechat was  some compensation. 
I had just arrived at the turning circle on the beach and was scanning through the Gulls on the beach with my binoculars when a large diver with a lumpy head and very pale bill flew through my vision in the background. What followed was akin to the keystone Cops, I leaped out of the car and grabbed my scope off the back seat, the scope came out but the tripod didn't as its legs were tangled in the seat belt and I ended up on my backside on the pebbles. Getting my act together I eventually got the scope on to the bird, my suspicions about the bird being undiminished by the scope view, realising I needed a photograph I leaned into the car and grabbed my camera off the passenger seat, nearly pulling my shoulder out of its socket, as the camera was snatched out of my hand by the strap being wrapped around the hand brake lever, by the time it and I were untangled the Diver was disappearing around The Point. The one that got away!!!
Brent Goose: 78 up
Red-throated Diver: 15 down
Gannet: 21 down
Kittiwake: 9 down
Guillemot: 28 down      5 up
Razorbill: 1 down
Late afternoon on the reserve the Ring-necked Duck still present and a red head Smew was seen from the VC. Elsewhere 6 Goosander were seen at the southern end of the ARC early morning per SO. 

Wednesday, 14 December 2016


1w Caspian Gull on the beach early morning
The sea was fairly quiet first thing this morning, a few each of Red-throated Diver, Gannet and Kittiwake all making their way down channel, while on the sea a few Great-crested Grebes and Guillemots. The highlight being a 1w Caspian Gull that has been around for a few days near the fishing boats.
On the reserve the Ring-necked Duck was still showing well on Cooks Pool, but the Long-eared Owl was missing again today. On Burrowes 2 red head Smew were of note as was a Chiffchaff at Makepiece. Between Scott and Denge Marsh at least 6 Song Thrushes were nice to see also a Great Spotted and 2 Green Woodpeckers, a Stonechat and a couple of unseen Cetti's Warblers calling.
Behind Denge Marsh the usual Lapwings, Golden Plover, Stock Doves and Linnets, also 3 Great White Egrets, a Common Buzzard, 2+ Marsh harriers and a Peregrine. At the back of Hookers Bearded Tits, Cetti's Warblers, a Bittern, Reed Buntings, 2 Stonechats and a Common Snipe were all noted.
At Scotney I was unable to locate the Black-throated Diver. Around the main pit the usual feral Geese, 100s of Wigeon along with usual diving ducks, Cormorants and Herring Gulls littered the islands and a ring tail Hen Harrier cruised along the bank at the back of the pit. In the distance by the wind turbines countless Lapwing, Golden Plover and Starlings filled the sky.
On Walland 100s each of Fieldfare, Redwing and Blackbirds, a few more Song Thrushes, 4 Mistle Thrushes and 4 Common Buzzards. At the feeding station 20+ Tree Sparrows and a Yellowhammer of note. 
17 Bewick Swans at Horesesbones Farm (What3words App:  blackouts.shades.narrowest)
Back at the beach this afternoon 135 Brent Geese flew up channel and a new 1w Caspian Gull was by the Fish Hut.
 The new 1w Caspian Gull

 Squaring up to a Great Black-Backed Gull

J6XT Herring Gull at the Fish Hut today.
Late afternoon at the ARC a couple of Marsh harriers flew through as I arrived flushing the Gulls and Duck leaving a single Great White Egret.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Another thoroughly miserable day on the peninsula, with a chilly wind, leaden skies, drizzle and the fog horn blasting out, making me wonder what I was doing standing out in it at the fishing boats.
A very poor photograph of a Kittiwake feeding along the shoreline
08.30-09.30 from the fishing boats:

Brent Goose:                                                1 up
Red-throated Diver:    8 down
Great-crested Grebe:                      9 on
Gannet:                      39 down                      8 up
Turnstone:                                       2 on beach
Kittiwake:                  12  down       4 around
Guillemot:                119 down      13 on      14 up
Razorbill:                     3 down        2 on
The up side to the poor visibility ensured that all the Auks seen were close enough to identify.
This afternoon on the reserve, the Ring-necked Duck still on Cooks Pool. At Denge Marsh a Great White Egret, 1,000+ Lapwing, 200+ Golden Plover, 400+ Stock Doves and c50 Linnets. A quick look at the Dipping Pool in yet another down pour saw the Long-eared Owl back on its chosen perch after going missing for a couple of days. From the comfort of the VC 2 Smew, Goldeneye, a Merlin, a Peregrine and Marsh Harrier.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Gloomy Dungeness!

08.15-09.15 from the fishing boats:

All down channel unless stated otherwise:

Shoveler:                     5
Common Scoter:       61        2 up
Velvet Scoter:              2
Red-throated Diver:    2        8 up
Great-crested Grebe:           12 around
Fulmar:                                  1 up
Gannet:                      57    106 up
Cormorant:                  c300 around
Turnstone:                             2 around
B.H.Gull:                     c500 on beach
Common Gull:              Present  n/c
Herring Gull:               c500 on beach
L.B.B.Gull:                   Present  n/c
G.B.B.Gull:                   Present  n/c

Kittiwake:                 18        4 around
Guillemot:    12 around       38 up
Auk sp:                                59 up

The Ring-necked duck was still on Cooks Pool with a great White Egret and Little Egret, in the field behind 100s of Wigeon, Lapwing and Golden Plover, also a Common Buzzard and 2 Marsh Harriers,
On Burrowes 3 Caspian Gulls (adult+3w+2w), 2 adult Yellow-legged Gulls and 2 red head Smew of note. As the weather deteriorated I did some domestic stuff. With the drizzle still falling this afternoon I joined MH in the comfort of the VC where we saw another 2w Caspian Gull, another red head Smew and a gorgeous drake Goosander. Late afternoon on the ARC from Hanson an adult Yellow-legged Gull could just about be made out in the gloom but little else of note as darkness fell early today.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Kittiwake at the Puddles this morning
08.00-09.00 from the fishing boats:
All down channel unless stated otherwise.

Common Scoter:  5
Red-throated Diver:  6            2 up
Great-crested Grebe:  27 around
Gannet:          64
Cormorant:       Present n/c
Turnstone:        3 around
Great Skua:      1
B.H.Gull:          Present  n/c
Common Gull:  Present  n/c
Herring Gull:    Present  n/c
L.B.B.Gull:       Present  n/c
G.B.B.Gull:       Present  n/c
Kittiwake:      12      1 on beach
Guillemot:      48
Razorbill:         2
Auk sp:           18
On the way home for breakfast I had a quick look at Cook's Pool where the Ring-necked Duck was  still present along with a Great White Egret, the field behind was carpeted with Lapwing and Wigeon, also a small party of Golden Plover, nearby at Boulderwall Farm the ever present Tree Sparrows were much in evidence.
After breakfast at Scotney the Black-throated Diver is still present by the caravan park, by the main lake the usual feral geese and many Wigeon but no sign of the Black-necked Grebe. 
Ring-necked Duck in the afternoon sunshine
This afternoon a visit to the beach found no Gull roosts to go through. At the Kerton Road triangle 2 Common Stonechat and 2 Dartford Warblers but no sign of the grey Stonechat. On the reserve the Ring-necked Duck still showing well as was the Long-eared Owl behind the dipping pool, From Makepiece an adult Caspian Gull and Yellow-legged Gull.
Late afternoon at the ARC from Hanson A Kingfisher, a Water Rail still feeding out in the open though it was to dark for images, Cetti's Warblers calling, 4 Great White and 9 Little Egrets flew past on their way to roost, 2 Marsh Harriers over and c600 Jackdaws over to roost, at last light (16.25) 4 Bewick Swans Came into roost presumably part of the group of 17 that seem to spend all day at Horsesbones Farm feeding.