Garganey: 1E drake
Common Scoter: 21E
Black-throated Dive:r 2E
Red-throated Diver: 2E
Fulmar: 3 around
Gannet: 46E
Sanderling: 16E
Dunlin: 25E
Whimbrel: 4E
Bar_tailed Godwit:1E
Arctic Skua: 6E (5 LP 1 DP)
Kittiwake: 6E
Commic Tern: 1304E
Sandwich Tern: 418E
Guillemot: 3E
Auk sp: 2E
Swallow: 47 in
After spending a while checking all the Hirundines hawking over the ARC I drove down to the visitor centre car park at the reserve. As I got of the car a Tern flew over a few feet above me and disappeared over the bank, my immediate thought was White-winged Black Tern, I went into the visitor centre and scanned Burrowes for a few minutes until I finally located not one but 2 summer plumage White-winged Black Terns. Most of the rest of the day was spent trying to get some images of the Terns with absolutely no success, mainly due to the Terns keeping as far from the hides as possible and the dull and very wet conditions.
While watching them 15 Dunlin put in a brief appearance as did a Grey Plover, 2 Ringed Plover and 2 Turnstone. 100s each of Swallows and Swifts could be seen over the lakes along with a couple of Hobby's.