Early morning at Dengemarsh from Springfield Bridge saw of note 2 brief flights of Bittern, 2 Great White Egrets out in the fields, 3 Little Egrets flying over, a Cattle Egret at the back of the reed bed, 3+ Marsh Harriers and the usual wildfowl. From opposite the watersports entrance c500 Golden Plover, c1,000 Lapwing being constantly flushed by Marsh Harriers and a Peregrine. The Cattle Egrets are now getting a harder to see, as they move around now that there are no longer any cattle in the their usual field
Around the Scotney complex of note 14 Greater White-fronted Geese, 2 Tundra Bean Geese, the feral flock of Barnacle Geese with there attendant hybrids, 3 Black-necked Grebes, the 1w drake Scaup, a flock of 40+ Tree Sparrows at the Sussex end of the main lake behind the bungalow, also 4 Corn Buntings there, another party of 8 Tree Sparrows, 12 Corn Buntings and a few Skylarks at the back of the lake.
The Bewick Swans and Whooper Swan were reported as still present at Horsebones Farm, on the reserve all the usual suspects could still be seen today.
Tundra Bean Geese, Scotney today.