Sunday, 28 September 2014


 Wheatear at the fishing boats early morning 
A beautifully warm early morning at the fishing boats today, found a Wheatear sunning its self. Noted moving south in half an hour were c300 Swallows, 2 Grey Wagtails, 4 Yellow Wagtails, c70 Meadow Pipits and 6 Goldfinches. Offshore just a handful of Terns and a an Arctic Skua.
 Reed Bunting in The Moat
A disappointing plod around The Point and Desert seeing of note a single Whinchat, a Wheatear, 2 Black Redstarts, a few Chiffchaffs and a couple of Blackcaps.
 Whinchat at eastern end of The desert
 JT605 Great Black Backed Gull at the fishing boats
I drove into the ARC car park and came straight back out as it was so busy, but by all accounts all the usual suspects could be seen there but nothing new.
A couple of hours this afternoon Gull watching at the fishing boats, saw of note an adult and 2 2w Yellow-legged Gulls, 12 Mediterranean Gulls, a Little Gull, 3 Kittiwakes, 3+ Arctic Skuas, 2 Arctic Terns, c25 each of Common and Sandwich Terns, 20 Common Scoter flew west and 7 Brent Geese flew east. Also a Grey Seal and loads of small Mackerel boiling the sea.
 Turnstone, I couldn't read the ring
 Small Mackerel pursued by an unseen predator
 2w Yellow-legged Gull at fishing boats this afternoon

 Pearly Underwing the pick of last nights catch.
Common and Large Wainscot

Saturday, 27 September 2014


This mornings wander around The Point and Desert area produced 32 Chiffchaffs, 4 Goldcrests, 4 Blackcaps, 2 Black Redstarts, c250 Meadow Pipits, c300 House Martins mainly on the wires around the research station and swarming around the Old lighthouse and a few Swallows.
At the ARC plenty of the usual wildfowl, plus 3 Black-necked Grebes, a Garganey, the Red-crested Pochard, 3 Ruff but no Glossy Ibis.
This afternoon from the fishing boats 3+ Arctic Skuas, c15 Common Terns, an Arctic Tern, a Little Gull, 2 Brent Geese W and 34 Common Scoter W  and 9 E,  but I missed the juvenile Sabines Gull.
A call from DW that he had trapped a Swallow/House Martin hybrid put an end to the sea watch, the rest of the afternoon was spent at the observatory where just over 100 Swallows and a couple of Sand Martins were trapped.
  Swallow/House Martin Hybrid?

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

A few Micro's

What with over sleeping this morning and domestic stuff, I did very little birding today. I did manage to catch the very end of the terrific movement of House Martins this morning at the fishing boats, sadly little else was moving at sea whilst I was there. 
The micro moths below were all in the trap this morning which was somewhat soggy. 
Cynaeda dentalis a super little micro
Eudonia Angustea
Carcina quercana

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Entertaining Chiffy!

As I drove to the fishing boats this morning 2 Great White Egrets could be seen on the New Excavations.
From the fishing boats 07.15-08.15:
Gannet: 4 up   2 down
Teal: 10 down
Shoveller: 2 down
Wigeon: 33 down
Brent Goose: 21 up   49 down
Arctic Skua: 2 around
Common Tern: 2 around
Sandwich Tern: c15 around
Guillemot: 1 off shore
Swallow: 232 north
Meadow Pipit: 103 north
Linnet: flock of c70 around the beach
Chiffchaff: 1 keeping me entertained picking insects from the underside of the boat.
Grey Seal: 1
Harbour Porpoise: 2+
 Chiffchaff on fishing boat rudder.
 Chiffchaff at the fishing boats
 Chiffchaff at the fishing boats
 Chiffchaff with moth that it plucked from under the boats. (no doubt a first for Britain)
A walk from the observatory covering The Desert, Lighthouse Garden, Lloyds, West beach and part or the trapping area, not including The moat which was full of Chiffchaffs sporting shiny new rings saw of note:
Peregrine: 2
Sparrowhawk: 5
Kestrel: 6
Swallow: 107
Meadow Pipit: 203
Wheatear: 3
Black Redstart: 4
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 2 in from the sea
Green Woodpecker: 2
Chiffchaff: 38
Blackcap: 4
Hare: 1 
Fox: 1 
 Great Spotted Woodpecker(male)
 Great spotted Woodpecker(female)
Early Afternoon at the ARC from Hanson saw 2 Garganey still, the Red-crested Pochard, a Black-necked Grebe, c150 Golden Plover, c200 Lapwing, 3 Ruff, a Black-tailed Godwit, a Marsh Harrier along with large numbers of the common wildfowl. The Glossy Ibis was at the south end of the ARC.
 Little Gulls
This afternoon from the fishing boats 15.05-16.35(I arrived at 15.25 in time to see the distant Sooty)
Gannet 2
Sooty Shearwater 1 up at 1510 and one down at 1545(up at c150m distance, other probably same bird at 1 mile)
Scoter 8 down
Teal 5 down
Wigeon 1 down
Little Gull 5 juv down
Sandwich Tern 59 down
Common Tern 1 down
Guillemot: 1 on sea

Swallow 303 down

Monday, 22 September 2014


Arriving expectantly at the fishing boats this morning, I received a call from DW asking if I had seen the 2 Great White Egrets come in off the sea, I hadn't, I was unlocking the gate at the time.
07.15-08.15 was a very slow hour. 
Gannet: 19 up
Wigeon: 8 up
Common Scoter: 7 up
Shelduck: 1 down
Brent Goose: 11 up   3 down 
Oystercatcher: 1 down
Kestrel: 2 out
Merlin: 1 over beach. My first of the autumn.
Arctic Skua: 1 chasing Terns
Sandwich Tern: c20 off shore
Meadow Pipit: 89 N
Swallow: 21 up
Chiffchaff: 1 by the boats  
Grey Seal: 1
Harbour Porpoise: 2+
Chiffchaff at the fishing boats
I spent the rest of the morning at the observatory and around The Desert and trapping area. Although the bushes appeared quiet, at least 8 Kestrels and 6 Sparrowhawks were around the area  60 birds were ringed mainly Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps, also a Firecrest and the superb young male Sparrowhawk below. Also at least 8 Kestrels, 6 Sparrowhawks and 2 Merlin's were around the area and a steady trickle of Meadow Pipits and Swallows, 2 Skylarks, 2 Yellow Wagtails and a Black Redstart at West Beach.
After lunch as I was about to pull out of my drive, an articulated lorry blocked me in and my view of the field while it waited for another vehicle to pass, when the lorry eventually pulled away the first thing I saw was a ring tail Hen Harrier just 50mts away cruising by and rapidly disappearing behind the football pitch and over Brett's towards the ranges. 
From Springfield Bridge 3 Great White Egrets, a Hobby, a Common Buzzard and 3 Marsh Harriers.
At the ARC from Hanson in the company of The joker 2 more Great White Egrets, 3 Black-necked Grebes, 2 Garganey, 4 Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit and a Knot among c50 Golden Plover, al so numbers of Wigeon are building with a few Pintail. At the south end 2 more Black-tailed Godwits and a pulse of c100 Swallows through. 
 Black Rustic the first for thePlodland trap
 Barred Red. This variant  becoming quite regular at Plodland
 L-album Wainscot also a regular in the trap
Handfuls of Lunar Underwings

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Colour Ringed Caspian Gull!

Very quiet around The Point this morning in the poor visibility. There were 2 Peregrines round the power station, a Black Redstart, a Wheatear and 2 Chiffchaff  at West Beach were the highlights.
Dengemarsh Gully held 9 Chiffchaffs and a Goldcrest with c150 Meadow Pipits over. 
On Dengemarsh the Great White Egrets have increased to at least 4, 2 Yellow Wagtails and more Meadow Pipits over.
 Distant pic of the 4 Great White Egrets on Dengemarsh
At Galloways 8+ Whinchats, 6 Stonechats, 4 Wheatears, 9 Chiffchaffs, 2 Blackcaps and 18 Brent Geese over eastwards were the highlights. 
 Meadow Pipit
On the ARC from Hanson, the Glossy Ibis, 2 Black-necked Grebes, 5 Ruff, c100 Golden Plover along with the usual wildfowl.
1w Caspian Gull  XDFE
When I arrived at the fishing boats late afternoon MS and MC were there, quickly they pointed out a superb colour ringed 1w Caspian Gull which which gave us some great views before moving off towards the lifeboat station. While I was there a couple of Arctic Skuas were chasing Terns off shore and a few each of Brent Geese and Wigeon passed.
Stop Press: I have just received a text from Mick to say that the Caspian Gull is sporting a German ring.

Friday, 19 September 2014


First thing this morning at the observatory hot and humid. I decided to do my regular plod around The Desert and southern edge of the trapping area. By the railway sleepers 3 Wheatears and c40 Meadow Pipits, a Stonechat on the Brambles at the start of the High Gorse, then the fog rolled in off the sea, the temperature plummeted, i continued my plod seeing very little and was very pleased when I eventually got back to the car and was able to don my fleece .
I stopped at the south end of the ARC but could barely see the waters edge, I stopped again further along the causeway but the fog was so thick I could not even see the Cormorant Island. I decided to cut my losses and go home and do some of the chores I have been putting off. 
 At about 13.30 the sun broke through the fog and I could see the ARC Water Tower. Chores forgotten I went to Hanson where a Great White Egret was strutting around, the Glossy Ibis appeared, a single Garganey was loafing with the Shoveller, 2 Black-necked Grebes, c150 Golden Plover dropped in and the duck Red-crested Pochard could be seen among all the Gadwall and smaller numbers of Wigeon and Pintail.
A firecrest was associating with a Tit flock in the Willow Trail, on the wires behind the Screen hide a Spotted Flycatcher, from the hide a Water Rail and all the birds seen from Hanson. At the pines 2 Chiffchaffs and unbelievably my first Goldcrest of the year on the peninsular.
 Golden Plover from Hanson
Feathered Brindle's in the Plodland trap this morning

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

As you were!

A stiff NE wind early this morning strengthening during the morning made birding hard work, consequently little was seen in The desert or Trapping area. At the observatory Meadow Pipits were being caught and rung in the refurbished Crow trap.
 Grey Heron in the Willow Trail
Midday at The ARC from Hanson, pretty much the same as it has been for the last fortnight, The Glossy Ibis still present, 2 Black-necked Grebes, 2 Garganey, 5 Ruff, 4 Black-tailed Godwits an increase in the numbers of Wigeon and Pintail, a confiding young Grey Heron in the Willow Trail.  

 15.00-16.00 from the fishing boats:
 Great Crested Grebe: 1 off shore
Gannet: 17 up
Brent Goose: 3 down
Common Scoter: 35 down
Teal: 1 down
Mediterranean Gull: 2 up  1w+ ad
Kittiwake: 1 up
Commic Tern: 2 up
Sandwich Tern: 31 up
Swallow: 3 in
Harbour Porpoise: 2+
Grey Seal: 1
 Marsh Mallow Moth
2 surprises in the moth trap this morning the lovely moth above and the brute below.
Dytiscus Dimidatus???

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

No Change!

I was again this morning by the sound of c1,000 Greylag Geese coming into the stubble field opposite Plodland.  A stunning sun rise this morning while emptying the moth trap, 94 moths of 21 species (49 Setaceous Hebrew Characters), Dark Spectacle the best. 
Sunrise over the ARC from Plodland
Sparrowhawk on shingle ridge in The Desert
Next a wander around The Desert which was fairly quiet with only small numbers of Sylvia Warblers, a few Chiffchaffs, 2 Wheatears and steady trickle of Hirundines over. A gathering of c 100 House Martins around the lighthouse soon departed south.
House Martins near the Lighthouse
At The ARC a work party in front the screen were doing much needed work, so most of the birds were disturbed. The Glossy Ibis was still around also the 2 Black-necked Grebes. Several 100s of House Martins were gathered around the rim of the Water Tower providing a superb spectacle.
House Martins around The Water Tower
One of 3 Turnstones on the beach feeding on Lobster
14.15-17.35 from the fishing boats:
Red-throated Diver: 1 a summer plumaged individual off shore
Gannet: 19 up
Common Scoter: 4 up
Brent Goose: 21 down   1 up
Peregrine: 1 out
Turnstone: 3 on beach
Arctic Skua: 4+ off shore
Little Gull: 3 up
Mediterranean Gull: 2 up
Kittiwake: 1 up
Black Tern: 1 off shore
Commic Tern: 22 up
Sandwich Tern: 138 up
Auk sp: 2 up
Hirundine: c100 out
Grey Seal: 1

Harbour Porpoise: 4+
Brent Goose going back past the fishing boats