Another poor sea watch this morning.
07.45-08.45 from the sea watch hide:
Common Scoter: 2E
Great-crested Grebe: 3E
Kittiwake: 4W
Auk sp: 132W 27E
Red-throated Diver: 258E 17W
Gannet: 138W
Cormorant: present
As I drove past the horse paddocks early morning the 3 Glossy Ibis were already there feeding along with at least 4 Cattle Egrets.
After the sea watch and doing some domestic stuff I parked at Pigwell and walked the length of the Scotney lakes. No much to be seen at Pigwell apart from a fly over Grey Wagtail. The lakes are still holding good numbers of Wigeon with c1,500 Lapwing. c500 Golden Plover, 2 Ruff, 4 Redshank, a Curlew, 4 Ringed Plovers and the 2 Little Stints. Several each of Marsh Harrier and Common Buzzard were patrolling the north banks of the lakes and a Great White egret flew over.
A couple of hours at Galloways this afternoon found just a Dartford warbler of any note.
The Whooper Swans and the Bewick swans were reported as present in there usual places today, also the 1w drake Scaup was still at Camber.
2 Little Stints on the sward at Scotney today, one of which is ringed

c500 Golden Plovers on the Scotney sward